Saturday, 4 January 2014


New Year, new starts, new habits, new diets. Here's an old favourite if you are thinking of keeping it clean.    

I got the idea for this lovely dip a few years ago from a dear friend and it's been a huge hit in my family since. It's so versatile: you can spread it on top of crackers, dip it with vegetables, mix it with pasta, enjoy it with salads or your favourite source of protein and the list goes on.

You need:

  • 4-5 boiled beets
  • 12-15 sun dried tomatoes in olive oil
  • 2-4 tablespoons of olive oil 
  • 30 almonds
  • bunch of fresh basil (approx. 40 gr.)
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic
  • pinch of salt
  • pinch of pepper
Blend all the ingredients together (I find a hand blender the most useful when you are making thicker dips). If you prefer a little runnier texture add more oil. I like to leave my almonds a bit crunchy. 

Wishing you all a blessed New Year!!

Heidi x


  1. Howdy Heidi,

    When making the usual grocery shopping on the weekend I remembered having at home some almonds left from Christmas and a can of sun dried tomatoes which we bought from Greece. So, I decided to try out this recipe of yours and bought basil and a sac of beet only to later realize that afterall I do not have any almond left and that can from Greece contained an assortment of chilis. I had to do something with the huge sac of beet, so I modified your receipe as follows:
    5 boiled beets, lots of basil, dollop of olive oil, one handful pine nuts, 2 cloves garlic, salt and pepper. I just put everyting in a blender, spooned the the sauce over ravioli, and on top of the serving sprinkled some feta.

    Also this variation was pretty successful <3

    Love your blog a lot <3


    1. Ihana kuulla Eira!! Joo useimmiten joudun oikein miettimaan omia reseptejani kun niita tanne kirjoitan, olen niin suurpiirteinen maarien kanssa. Usein aineksienkin kanssa voi saadella, mita nyt sattuu silla hetkella kotona olemaan. Xx
