Monday, 2 December 2013


Here's a body weight exercise for those who are looking for challenges. I have a love-hate relationship with pull-ups. It's very rewarding when you start building up strength and manage to do few of these in a row. But  before getting there you are going to face some frustrating moments when you just hang in there and literally can't pull yourself up.

I like to practice pull-ups with a partner who can hold my feet on those last repetitions when I need an extra push. You can also use an elastic exercise band that takes some of weight off and makes the whole exercise easier. Another good way to work on your strength is to hold yourself up for a while and and then let yourself down slowly.     

Heidi x


  1. Crikey woman you're strong! I don't consider myself to be from the weaker end but I certainly need that partner or an elastic band to do any! Need to start working on that upper body strength being concentrating solely on legs for a while now.

    1. ;-) This one works on your arms, lats, core and back. It's super hard in the beginning, but I'm sure you'll master it in no time!! Xx

  2. Kiitos Heidi näistä inspiroivista treenipostauksista! Treenaan joitakin kertoja viikossa, mutta tuohon on vielä matkaa... Nyt tiedän mitä tavoitella :)

    1. Kiva kuulla!! Noita leukoja kannattaa harjoitella 1-2 kertaa vkossa etta ehtii myos palautua. Kokeile tuota ylhaalla pitoa ja hitaasti alas tulemista toistoina ;-)
