Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Excuse the face but this is where my hair is at right now after having a terrible hair cut last summer and having extensions through the winter. Not short anymore but not long yet either. After being super blonde for years I've finally managed to get the colour so close to natural that I can easily leave it untouched for a few months at a time. I'd like to think that I'm on my way to long, healthy, natural hair! I will never drastically change the colour again and I will never cut it again (I guess I'm going to need a trim or two but you know what I mean). Finally learned my lesson at a humble age of 36! So if any of you out there have long, healthy, beautiful hair and are considering cutting it short... or bleaching it... DON'T! :-) And btw if you're in London and looking for an amazing colourist I can't recommend Wagner at Gina Conway on Westbourne Grove enough.

Enough about hair, this is what I wore to dinner the other night. Comfy in a cardi as I knew we'd be sitting outside and the evenings are still a bit chilly. My leather leggings are in constant use, not sure what I ever wore before I had them!

Cardi: Splendid
Leather Leggings: Joseph
Sandals: Azzedine Alaia
Pouch: Givenchy
Nails: Shellac, Romantica

Minna x


  1. I like this outfit very much, it's simple but those leather leggings make sure it's not boring :)

    Would you have any recommendations on hair stylists or hair colourists around Nice/Antibes? We're in a process of moving there and as it turns out one of my biggest concerns is to find someone who knows how to handle my quite typical Nordic hair (it's somewhat thin and has that glass-like shine to it). Having lived two years in London I've had quite a bad luck with the stylists I've visited here.

    Enjoy the early summer in Southern France! It will probably be a few degrees hotter when we arrive in August...

    1. I had my colour done at Cutting Shop in Old Antibes last summer and they actually did a good job. The cut then... a different story ;-) It was a guy in his late twenties or early thirties, I can't remember his name. If I find a good stylist here who can do a great cut too I'll definitely do a post about it. It's not easy to find a hair dresser anywhere!

      It's already started warming up even in the evenings. Summer is clearly starting! :-)

  2. Hihi, hauska ilmehän toi on! Onneksi hiuskriisi alkaa olla selätetty. :)
    Tykkään asusta jälleen kerran. Varsinkin noi kengät on makeet!

    1. Melkein selätetty... vielä kun joku venyttäis tätä pituutta 10 cm ;-) Kiitos kommentista Kata!

  3. Ihan asian vierestä, mutta miten saa noin valkeat hampaat? Kävin laser- valkaisussa tammikuussa ja hampaat eivät ole enää niin valkoiset kuin toivoisin. En edes juo kahvia tai teetä :(

    1. Valitettavasti se laser ei ole ollenkaan niin tehokas kuin kotivalkaisu... Eli hammaslaakarille kannattaa mennä hankkimaan hammasmuotit ja valkaisuainetta. Se on todella tehokas keino. Olen kokeillut kumpaakin ja ero on aika suuri.

    2. Kiitos vinkistä, testaan seuraavan kerran noita muotteja. Kuinka usein käytät muotteja, tuskin jatkuvasti voi valkaista ettei hampaat kärsi?

    3. Hammaslääkäri antaa sulle yksilölliset ohjeet niiden muottien käytössä. Valkaisu uusitaan sitten tarpeen mukaan kerran vuodessa tai parissa. Mä en myöskään juo kahvia, teetä tai punaviiniä enkä polta, joten kerran kahdessa vuodessa sen ensimmäisen valkaisukerran jälkeen on ollut riittävän usein.
