Saturday, 12 April 2014


Right, no more rush for a couple of weeks so let's get this blog back to real time by starting from what we got up to last weekend. Our lucky kids got to have an extra chocolate egg hunt a couple of weeks early! We were celebrating a friend's birthday and they had organised the most perfect day for the kids including the egg hunt and a bouncy castle too!

Big friends helping little friends in the hunt.

She didn't need much help though as she was happy to stop as soon as she had found one.

A slightly bigger, very determined egg hunter.

And successful too! 

I got these little denim jackets for them recently from GAP. Needless to say them and the chocolate weren't the most practical combo but I think they're very cute.

Inspecting the catch of the day.

And dividing it equally so that it was fair for the younger hunters too.

Now that they've had their practice run they're looking forward to the "real" one next weekend. Not sure it will have as many eggs as this one did though… I don't think I've never seen as much chocolate at one time! 

Minna x


  1. Haha, pääsiäismunat kuuluvat ehdottomasti pääsiäiseen en malttaisi millään odottaa :) No, olisihan niitä voinut toki jo hankkia etukäteenkin... Mainio idea tuo pomppulinna, me itseasiassa käytiin muutama viikko takaperin itse pomppimassa myös. Löydettiin eräs linna missä aikuisetkin saivat omalla vuorollaan käydä kokeilemassa muutaman minuutin kun lapset olivat lähteneet, olipa muuten hauskaa. Kai sitä joskus saa vähän lapsettaa...

    1. Mun ei pitaisi olla paasiaismunien lahella… mahdotonta sanoa ei!! Pomppulinnat on ihan mahtavia, ma tykkaan myos itsekin pomppia :-)

  2. Moi! Niin tutun näköistä! Piilotamme pääsiäismunia puutarhaan, jos säät vain sallivat. Se on ollut muksujemme suosikkeja ja on edelleen vaikka heillä jo ikääkin enemmän. :)

    1. Meilla ei kotona ikina ollut tata perinnetta, mutta nyt omien lasten kanssa siita on tullut tapa. Varmasti vanhemmat lapsetkin jaksaa innostua kun niin sita melkein tekee itsekin! :-)

  3. The egg hunt has always been my favourite part of easter ;-)

    1. For sure! I just don't have an off switch when I start eating those eggs…
