Tuesday, 18 February 2014


So this is one of the things we got up to during the days leading up to the wedding. There was a little bit of snow left in Helsinki and the temperatures hovered on both sides of zero. That may not be the ideal winter weather however the slightly wet snow is excellent for making snowmen. 

Our children would be excited about a tiniest patch of white so this was heaven to them even though by Finland's standards this is very little snow for the time of the year.

Ecco boots! In Finland in the winter practicality wins when it comes to your children's clothing.

By the end of the week there were five snowmen in my mother's garden and very little snow on the ground surrounding them. By now I could imagine that poor them have probably melted to half of their original size and lost a few body parts in the process... 

Minna x


  1. Practicality indeed. However, there are a bit more stylish alternatives to winter wear than what your kids are wearing. Plus, people tend to have two sets of winter wear; one for the Sunday strolls in the city and one for the playgrounds.

    1. Please feel free to share links for stylish children's winter wear! Most mums seem to struggle to find any.

    2. Naah, you're here only occasionally so just wear whatever you have!

      It's also a matter of taste, I like Sorel boots etc on kids (& myself when rolling in the snow).

  2. Suloisia tyttöjä! :) Täällä Moskovassakin on todella vähän lunta, ei puhettakaan että saisi lumiukon aikaan...

    1. Kiva saada Moskovasta kommenttia! Kuulostaa muuten siltä, että New York on ollut se kaikista lumisin paikka tänä talvena...

  3. Kiva, että tytöt pääsi rakennustouhuihin :) Heillä on juuri sopivan tyylikkäät asuvalinnat lumiukkohommiin - lämmin ja vedenpitävä taitaa olla täällä kuitenkin se lapsen tyylikkyyden mitta, ainakin ulkohommissa. Tää on ollut aika sietämättömän märkä talvi....

    1. Joo en yhtään ihmettele, että Suomessa kaikilla vastaantulevilla lapsilla on päällään jonkinnäköinen kokohaalari. Meiltäkin löytyisi aivan varmasti jos asuttaisiin siellä :-)

  4. Lumi + lapset = iloa ja riemua. :)

  5. Main thing the girls look happy! I'd say stylish as well but that's secondary. These photos make me wish there was some snow here in London as well.
    Looking forward to more wedding posts. Is the church in the first photo the one you got married in?

    All the best for married life.
