Thursday, 27 February 2014


After a good sleep (to put it mildly) it was great to wake up to another, sunny New York day. The perfect morning for a long walk in Central Park. 

The Reservoir was still frozen and the pathway alongside it too icy and snowy to walk on.

Central Park was heaving of runners. And dogs. It seems like everyone in New York has a dog! Some of them the size of a pony. No doggy pictures as I guess to their owners they're often like babies so it wouldn't be appropriate.

The footwear I can be seen the most is definitely this pair of hightop Nikes. I wear them most days when running around getting on with my daily life and I frequently get asked about them. The style is called Sky Hi and they have a bit of a wedge in the sole. It's not very noticeable though so a good option for those who are not into the higher wedge trainers. I wear them so much that I wouldn't mind investing in a different colour too.

We did a big loop and ended up on the Grand Army Plaza. Horse carriage ride was tempting but maybe next time ;-)

Minna x


  1. Ah, lovely pics Minna! Going to NY & San Fran for the first time this September, beyond excited. By the way, I just purchased Nike Sky Hi Liberty of London Pepper Floral trainers (nimihirvio) and would recommend. I must admit I was a little unsure when I first heard of Liberty of London and Nike collaboration, but would highly recommend. Just right amount of edgy, cool and femininity. x Riikka

    1. Nice one, a great trip you have coming up! I've only ever once been to San Francisco and that was more than ten years ago but would love to go back.

  2. On se niin ihana kaupunki - kauniita kuvia!
    Mulla on myös Sky Hi't (toisessa värissä) ja ovat kyllä mukavat, suosittelen myös.


    1. Maailman paras kaupunki! :-)

      Mä aion tilata toisenkin värin kun vaan osaan päättää, minkä haluaisin!


  3. Vitsi, voisin kuolata näitä Nykkikuvia kerta toisensa jälkeen uudestaan ja uudestaan. Mäkin oon aina asunut downtownissa ja Sohoon mennään seuraavankin kerran. Vaihtelua voisi tuoda tosiaan, jos asuisikin jossain vaiheessa siellä Gossip Girl hoodeilla ;)

    Ja btw, en voinut enää vastustaa. Niken Sky Hi:t menivät tilaukseen, tumman harmaana.

    Kivaa maaliskuun alkua!

