Friday, 30 May 2014


Apologies for a very long silence from my part! My internet went down last weekend and it took me this long to get it going again... It was a bit of a challenge but in the end I manage to install a new Wifi box following instructions in French. And I don't speak French.

So let's get back to last week. My sisters who were staying with me are now unfortunately long gone... They have both now flown back to their home countries. UK and Finland that would be. It was lovely to have them stay! We took a lot of pictures (obviously, as I was around) and these are some of them, taken just before heading out to dinner. 

This is not my sister head banging. This is her laughing at us trying to look natural.

Love the rather rock'n roll necklace against lace.

This is my youngest sister btw. She is pregnant and also a mother of a 15-month old! I still think of her as a baby herself. So much so that I often accidentally call her by my own daughter's names!!

I was wearing a top that my other sister who was behind the camera made for me years ago. Love the colour!

After this we headed to my favourite Antibes restaurant for a delicious dinner and guess who walked in as we were tucking into our food? Someone who used to wear a red swim suit and run really slowly on a beautiful beach ;-) 

Minna x


  1. Eh, nauroin tuolle pikkusiskon kutsumiselle oman lapsen nimellä. Mulle käy todella usein niin, että kutsun (pikku)siskoani, joka on 30 vuotta, vanhemman lapseni nimellä, joka on kaiken lisäksi vielä poika. Olen siskolleni nauranutkin, että kuuden vanha poikani ja siskoni 30v sijaitsevat päässäni samassa muistipaikassa, ei ehkä kovin mairittelevaa siskolleni... he-hee! Eli kyllä niitä pitää edelleen niin pienenä.
    Kiitos mahtavasta blogista!
    t. Kaisa

    1. Siis mä tuskin pääsen tästä tavasta ikinä eroon... perheen vauva on ilmeisesti aina perheen vauva :-) Kiitos paljon kommentista Kaisa!!

  2. Meijän äiti kutsuu usein mun koiraa mun pikkuveljen nimellä :D Ja toisinpäin, että sattuu sitä muuallakin!

    Emmi L.

    1. Haha, koira on varmaan imarreltu, pikkuveli ei ehkä niinkään! ;-)

  3. Veikkaan Pamela Anderssonia.

  4. Haha, taisin törmätä samaan tyyppiin kerran malibulaisessa Starbucksissa. :D

    1. Luultavasti! :-) Näytti aivan mieeelettömän hyvältä livenä ja taskukokoiselta :-)

  5. Gorgeous sisters! Your sister has great hair (hair envy!)

    I was told recently that I need to stop calling my younger sister my 'little' sister, because she just got married. No, she is still little to me.

    1. Yes she does have great hair and she is naturally so fair! And I know my sister will also always be a baby for me :-)

  6. Such a lovely sister I am laughing I also call my younger sister my daughters name.

    1. Funny how you can have that association too! Don't think I'll ever get rid of the thought that she is the baby... even now that she's a mother herself! Hope you're having a lovely weekend Inge.
