Monday, 16 September 2013


I had the pleasure of visiting Puglia in the South of Italy earlier this summer. Puglia is an area on the Adriatic coast right at the heel of Italy. We stayed in a town called Fasano, in a hotel called Borgo Egnazia. If it was good enough for Justin Timberlake to get married in (the hotel staff proudly told us) it was good enough for us! And it certainly was that, good enough. In fact it was amazing. One of the nicest hotels I have ever stayed in. Our visit was brief, we only had one full day there, which we spent by the pool and the beach. Both stunning. It was mid / late June and the weather was perfect (high twenties) even though the locals told us they had a bad spring and early June too like the rest of the Europe.

Yes it's me under there somewhere... well covered up at their pool bar ordering a healthy juice. They had a good variety of those.

We didn't try their lunch buffet but it looked nice. We did order a salad by the pool and I have to say that was the only negative; menu was limited and the prawns in my salad tasted so... odd... that I ended up not eating it and I was hungry ie. not that fussy!

So we jumped in a buggy that took us to their beach restaurant. It was about 10 minute journey and most definitely worth it! The beach was grass and rocks and something about the way it looked made me feel like I had stepped back in time. Very pretty.

The beach restaurant is called Pescheria da Vito. They have a fish counter with super fresh sea food and you can pretty much order anything you want prepared the way you want. Someone in our group had mussels and they were the best I had ever tasted. I had langoustine and it came out not prepared the way I had imagined but I think I can put it down to the fact that it got lost in translation. 

This is what the hotel looked like inside. Loved it! White washed, calm and cool.

Our room was in the main building La Corto. It was lovely and spacious with a separate bedroom and sitting room, a big bathroom and a balcony. 

To get to Borgo Egnazia we flew to Bari Airport, which was about 45 minute drive away. Apparently Brindisi Airport is a little bit nearer still. 

I would most definitely return to Borgo Egnazia for a weekend or a longer holiday. Hopefully I will get to do that some day! (You can find their website in here.)

Minna x


  1. Ihana Italia :) Pientä matkakuumetta pukkaa taas, kun edellisestä reissusta on kuitenkin jo viikko!

    Emmi L.

    1. Ha, no sit on jo korkea aika varata seuraava reissu!

  2. Moi Minna, ja kiva nähdä, että olet aloittanut taas bloggaamisen. Meni tovi ennenkuin löysin tämän sun uuden blogin, hyvältä vaikuttaa! Se mikä tässä on jokseenkin friikkiä on se, että mä itse näin eräänä yönä unta jossa aloitin blogin. Blogin nimi oli W8. :-D Ehkä se oli siis joku enneuni, että löydän tämän sinun uuden blogin ja pääsen lueskelemaan tätä, enkä sittenkään kirjoittamaan. ;-) Teillä näyttää olleen mahtava kesä ja tervetuloa takaisin Lontooseen!


    1. Moikka Cheyne! Ha, jonkinnäkönen enneuni? Itse asiassa kun pähkäilin nimen kanssa sä tulit mieleen... ja mietin saisko mun kotikadusta tai siitä edellisestä jonkinnäkösen nimen aikaan, mutta sitten päädyin tähän. Kiitos kommentista ja kiva kuulla susta!

  3. Se on ihanaa, kun löytää paikan, johon ihastuu niin, että haluaa palata. Lopulta niin ei käy kovin usein. -jii-

  4. Oi miten ihanilta nuo maisemat näyttävätkään <3 Täällä helsingissä myrskyää ja on jo syksyisen pimeää keskellä päivää =/

  5. Hotel looks beautiful, I have added to my list of places to visit. If only we had a wedding there to attend ;-)

  6. Congrats, you stayed in a marvelous and cozy place! Good choice, that's for sure.
