Tuesday, 24 September 2013


Sometimes being a blogger can lead you to experience fun things and meet interesting new people. This happened to me recently when I had the pleasure of meeting my fellow Finn Julia Lundsten, a shoe designer behind the brand Finsk. We met in their office, located on a pretty central London square. It had boxes and boxes of shoes stacked up high on each wall. Their LFW preparations seemed to be in full speed and they are also busy with their Nokia collaboration. And yes, even though most of the world knows Nokia for their mobile phones they’re actually also a wellington boot manufacturer. If in England every country house has at least one pair of Hunters in their foyer in Finland the same goes for Nokia wellies! The boots that Julia has designed for Nokia are wellies that don’t look like wellies. They’re the sort of footwear you’d choose to wear on a stylish country weekend, when taking your kids to the park on a wet day or, quite often, just on an ordinary day in London!!

I’m a fan of these pretty and feminine wellies, which are incredibly comfortable to wear.

These are also wellies. The color doesn’t show in the picture very well but it’s a beautiful, deep purple. They come with the orange laces, which looks cool indeed but to tone things down a notch you could just wear them with black ones. Julia was wearing these in black with black laces and I would have never guessed they were wellies!

Finsk’s trademark style is quite different from these every day type of boots. They are best known for their quirky (extremely quirky I may add...) shoes and boots that to me look like pieces of art or something that you could enter a design competition with! :-)

One a little bit tamer pair in that collection did catch my eye though. These boots are just gorgeous! Very me.

Their collection Skin by Finsk however is less quirky and very much wearable. They had a lot of cute booties. This collection is also easier on the wallet.

These pony hair boots were my favourites!

The girls in the office were hard at work.

Right, then onto trying some of Finsk's shoes on! (By the way this was after our "quick" coffee, which ended up lasting for two hours... oops.) First these beauties. Yes, still love them!

These wellies were sooo comfy and also very light in comparison to traditional wellies.

And here we go... Do you think these look good on me? I had a good laugh imagining going home wearing them: "honey look what I bought today"! Incredibly though despite my expectations they were just as comfortable as the above wellies. I could have walked in them all day long.

It was lovely to meet Julia and her team and even better our 3-year olds are now playdate friends!

You can find Finsk's website in here and check out their Nokia collaboration collection in here.

Minna x


  1. Haha mua niin nauratti toi kohta "kulta kato mitä ostin tänään..." aika raffit kengät ;D Kumpparit on kyllä kivat, voisin itekin käyttää :) Saanko kysyä mikä tuumakoko sulla on farkuissa? Sulla on tosi hyvä kroppa ja mietin, että onkohan mulla pitkä matka tohon kuosiin :) Mulla on siis pieni painonpudotus meneillään :)

    1. Ha, olis ollut kiva nähdä reaktio!! Suurkiitos kohteliaisuudesta. Mun tuumakoko lähes kaikissa farkkmerkeissä on 26, joissain tosi venyvissä 25. Tsemppiä sulle painonpudotusprojektiin! :-)

    2. Kiitti vastauksesta :) Mulla on kyllä hieman matkaa samoihin mittoihin...pikkuhiljaa! :)

  2. Nokia does not make thease boots. Nokia sold the rubber boot -part of it back in 1989 and it's now Nokian Footwear and owned by Berner. There where at lot of sub-companies that Nokia sold out then, including car tires etc.

  3. Hei Minna!
    Kysymykseni sivuaa nyt aiheesta täysin, mutta kun asut siellä Lontoossa niin kysynpä sinulta, että minkälaiset työmarkkinat siellä on tällä hetkellä? Olisin lähinnä kiinnostunut taloushallinnon töistä...mitenköhän siellä päin suhtaudutaan suomessa hankittuun koulutukseen?

    1. Heippa! Mikään asiantuntija en toki ole, mutta ei taida työmarkkinat olla mahtavat tällä hetkellä... En tunne taloushallintoa alana, joten voi olla, että tämä ei koske kyseisiä hommia. Itse hain kirjanpitohommia vuosia sitten tänne muuttaessa ja koin, että täällä edellytetään Chartered Accountant tutkintoa, kuten esim. ACCA. Kannattaa siis tsekata vastaako Suomen tutkintosi samaa. Tsemppiä :-)

  4. so gorgeous! your blog is brilliant.

  5. Mietin hetken mistä nimesi on niin tuttu ja lopulta muistin, että nuoruudenaikainen poikaystäväni lähti Lontooseen/seurusteli siellä asuessaan nimikaimasi kanssa, olitkohan sinä?! Ja siis ei ollut poikaystäväni enää lähtisessään, että älä säikähdä, ei täällä mikään katkera exä huutele! :D Uteliaisuuttani vaan kyselen. Sellainen tumma, ruskeasilmäinen nuorimies, nimikirjaimet M.A.

    1. Ha, en ollut minä! Joskin kuvauksen ja nimikirjainten perusteella tunnen / tunsin hänet kyllä :-)

  6. makeita kenkiä ja kumisaappaita ! Lähtikö noista mitkään parit sun matkaan kotiin ?
